Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thank You God 031012

For some reason, I am feeling miserable now... I shall write the stuff I am thankful for today (or yesterday). Life's good and I should focus on making myself feel good always because with good thoughts come good feelings which bring good things.

1. I was productive.
2. I spent very long studying today (although nighttime wasn't that productive.)
3. I revised through and strengthened my complex numbers. Fruitful. It wasn't a wasted day.
4. I improved by 20 marks (yay) for chem paper 3.
5. I did gp research and enjoyed myself while doing it.
6. I ate nice canteen food today which was not bad at all.
7. I zoned out during the busride and enjoyed blanking out.
8. I spent half hour stalking people just now. Yay for me time!
9. I am sleeping half an hour earlier (provided I sleep at 130 and not watch YouTube) as compared to yesterday night.
10. Great friends who stuck by me through stuff

This is veryvery positive... I realise that with each point I also have a few sentence of negative stuff to say but I should not say it.

Plan tomorrow (or today):
1. End school: 10PM.
2. GP research + lunch : Till 11.30
3. 11.45 - 13.45: Mug chem
4. Dental appointment at 2.20PM. DON'T SLACK WHILE WAITING
5. Go home (or) go library and mug more. Finish Chem TYS 2011. (AT LEAST)
6. If possible finish chem TYS 2010 P2.

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