Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Some random stuff I have been thinking about recently

1. I saw an advert for hair treatment at the mrt. Nothing really special until some time after i passed it, when I realised: she wasn't really the sort of models you'll regularly see.

Ah, what an interesting advertisement. There was a label saying she was a homemaker and suffered from post natal hair loss. Chances are, that's the kind of problems the people who'll be reading it will be facing. Some smart marketing there. Something people can relate to. The advertisement was not perfect, but perfect at the same time...

2. Why is it that for the national day rally speech, there has to be 3 ministers who'll be talking in front of the prime minister? (something unusual..)

We can apply the advertising techniques employed by firms here.

INFORMATIVE ADVERTISING: Informing consumers (aka the citizens) about the existence and availability of these new ministers.

All 3 of them are young. And aside from that, as a Singaporean since birth, I've only ever heard of one of them. Chances are, most singaporeans don't even know about their existence too.

And well... They'll be in the parliament for quite awhile, might as well. Plus they just MAY be the ones who'll be helping PAP after a few years.


Hmm. 4 ministers seem quite a lot... At least it shows that they've sincerity. And in a way, this is an indirect way of marketing the new ministers. Show that they care. That they're taking after the welfare of citizens. That they're bright and creative. That they're cable of coming up with good policies. Bg putting them together with the prime minister, especially at the national day rally, people will definitely treat them seriously to a certain extent. That's a good first impression...

-end of thinking process-

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