Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Just another phrase of my life

So recently it has just been a mad rush after another mad rush to get work and more work done. To finish tutorials. To squeeze in some revision. I'm trying desperately to be extremely efficient, and would like to thank God for bringing a lot of people into my life that has motivated me: Like Julia, Kang Li and Xin Yi.

Today has been a really unproductive day. Lets hope tomorrow will be a better one.

I know, more than ever, what it feels like to put in all the hardwork and shit but then get an S. At that moment, i was really disappointed. Numb, maybe. WHY??? Why is it that other people who have put in the same effort or lesser are scoring higher? After some thinking....

Maybe they worked harder than me. Maybe, I didn't really try my best.

Yes, I thought that what i was putting in was enough. But maybe it wasn't. I was stalking some random people on fb when i came across this quote. When i saw it, it was as if... it was speaking to me.

"If you tried your best and failed, you have not tried hard enough."

I am not a person to give up so easily. I will strive and strive until I get my As. Speaking of targets, my target for Prelims is to get all A/Bs. Yes, difficulty level x1000. But certainly not impossible. Although I admit I've lots of stuff to catch up on /: My current grades is like... DED??? That's damn screwed up. How do i make the jump? With only about one month more?

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