Saturday, July 21, 2012


Really love my class, we're like super bonded! Love. Went to botanics to film class video just now :D
Never felt so close to any of my classes before.

In primary 5 & 6, there the girls were split into two cliques and even had fights.
In secondary 1 & 2, the entire class was divided into many different cliques who only hung out with each other.
In secondary 3 &4, there wasn't really any distinct cliques but I feel like I didn't really fit in because I had my own group of friends. (Explorer's gang). Never felt like i belonged with the girls in my class, although they are all nice people and we can get along well... I guess its all the recesses where i ate with joyce but not with the class.

But this time round, I don't know... I can't see any distinct cliques, at the very least and I can talk to almost everyone except for maybe one or two people. I see that as a good sign. There was even a moment when we were singing that I felt this intense sense of belonging, and a little sadness that this was all gonna end soon, we're all gonna grow up and go our seperate ways... :/

Wells, life goes on. Time to work hard.

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