Sunday, April 22, 2012

One GP lesson a few days ago, my GP tutor was telling us about a friend she had. She said her friend was really pretty, but kept getting abused by her boyfriend and kept being pressurised for sex. She changed one boyfriend, but the next was still the same, and so on. Apparently, Mrs Tan said she had some self-esteem issues and the boyfriends just took advantage of her neediness. Well, so apparently it's her that's the problem, and not the boyfriends (that's what Mrs Tan said she deduced)

Which made me wonder, does love even exist for losers? Cuz if you're really weak, and really have no self-confidence. No matter how much of a "good guy" you meet, eventually he'll be sick of trying to change you and instead turn your lack of self worth into his advantage. (Eg, snapping at you, abusing you, knowing that you won't do anyhitng and that he can get his way anyway.) Since it happened with so many boyfriends for her case, I don't believe that ALL the guys are abusers. They must have turned into one.

If that's the case, is there really true love for anyone then? Maybe I should rephrase. Is there anyone that will love you for who you are and not turn your weaknesses into their strengths?

To hell with love? Or is there really true love today?

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