Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The theory of selfishness

Is it possible that all humankind is selfish? Maybe, we care because we need them so much if they cease, we will fall.

A lover sacrifices himself not because he cares for her, but rather, without her, his life is worthless. There's a difference.

Parents love their kid so much because it's additional security for their future, they need the kid for their future, to fill their days with happiness. They care for their kid because they've been through so much for their kid that if the kid dies, the parents lives will be adversely affected, all that energy and money and time wasted, all that empty days ahead so unfathomable. It isn't love for the kid, it's love for themselves.

Even a stranger, he saves lives, not because he cares, but because if e does not save that life, his life will be ruined knowing that he could have saved the other.

So are humans selfish ultimately?

In caring for someone, you only seek to care for yourself, whether directly or indirectly. In loving, you're loving yourself. Maybe selfishness has to exist for love and care to exist. Maybe.

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